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2023年05月23日 17:00  点击:[]



[1] 结构振动与控制

[2] 流固耦合

[3] 非线性动力学

[4] 风力机结构力学

        [5] 风力机气动性能



[1] 本科生课程:《振动力学及实验测试》、《分析力学》、《力学专题讲座》、《理论力学》、《材料力学》、《工程力学》等。

[2] 研究生课程:《弹塑性力学》、《有限元方法》。


[1] 工程力学专业大学生科技活动,安徽省质量工程项目,实践课程类 (2020xsxxkc149)2020.12-2022.12主持



[1] 基于湿--弹本构和刚柔耦合理论的变桨旋转风力机叶片动力学特性研究,国家自然科学基金,2020-2022主持

[2] 低温结冰环境下水平轴风力机叶片设计理论及颤振机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2018-2020主研

[3] 湿--气流-旋转联合作用下风力机叶片动态特性分析,安徽省自然科学基金,2017-2019主持

[4] 高风速下风力机叶片失速及破坏机理研究,安徽省自然科学基金,2017-2019主研


[1] L. Li, J. Q. Wu, W. D. Zhu, L. Wang, L. W. Jing, G. H. Miao, Y. H. Li. A nonlinear dynamical model for rotating composite thin-walled beams subjected to hygrothermal effects[J]. Composite Structures. 2021, 256 (15): 112839-1-18.

[2] L. Li, I. Chopra, W. D. Zhu, M. L. Yu. Performance analysis and optimization of a vertical-axis wind turbine with a high tip speed ratio[J]. Energies. 2021, 14 (4): 996-1-30.

[3] H. W. Lv, L. Li, Yinghui Li. Non-linearly parametric resonances of an axially moving viscoelastic sandwich beam with time-dependent velocity[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2018, 53: 83-105.

[4] L. Li, X. L. Zhang, Y. H. Li. Analysis of coupled vibration characteristics of wind turbine blade based on Green’s functions[J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2016, 29 (6): 620-630.

[5] L. Li, Y. H. Li, Q. K. Liu, B. K. Jiang. Effect of balance weight on dynamic characteristics of a rotating wind turbine blade[J]. Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 2016, 97 (1): 49-65.

[6] L. Li, Y. H. Li, H. W Lv, E. C. Yang. Nonlinear aeroelastic structural dynamics of wind turbine blades[J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies. 2015, 3 (4) : 473-495.

[7] L. Li, Y. H. Li, Q. K. Liu, H. W. Lv. A mathematical model for horizontal axis wind turbine blades[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2014, 38 (11-12): 2695-2715.

[8] L. Li, Y. H. Li, Q. K. Liu, H. W. Lv. Flapwise nonlinear dynamics of wind turbine blades with both external and internal resonances[J]. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics. 2014, 61: 1-14.

[9] Y. H. Li, L. Li, Q. K. Liu, H. W. Lv. Dynamic characteristics of lag vibration of a wind turbine blade[J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2013, 26 (6): 592-602.

[10] L. Li, Y. H. Li, H. W. Lv, Q. K. Liu. Flapwise dynamic response of a wind turbine blade in super-harmonic resonance[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2012, 331 (17): 4025-4044.


[1] 李亮,经来旺,吴建强,王龙,缪广红, 2022.02.01,对称翼型垂直轴风力机的变桨控制方法及系统,ZL202010484511.0国内发明专利。

[2] 李亮,经来旺,吴建强,王龙,缪广红, 2022.02.01,非对称翼型垂直轴风力机的变桨控制方法及系统,ZL202010485263.1国内发明专利。

[3] L. Li, L. W. Jing, J. Q. Wu, L. Wang, G. H. Miao, 2023.01.10, Pitch Control Method and System of Symmetrical-Airfoil Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, US11549489B2, 美国发明专利。




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